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Supporting Community Independence (SCI) provides 24-hour and intermittent CILA support for adults approved for the Illinois Developmental Disability Waiver.  

SCI takes a personalized approach to developmental disability services by customizing services for each individual's unique needs.


24-Hour CILA

SCI serves two 24-hour CILAs located in a quiet neighborhood in Edwardsville, IL.  Both CILAs are within walking distance to restaurants, shopping, and more!


Intermittent CILA

For individuals not requiring 24-hour residential support, SCI provides intermittent CILA supports.  Each individual is provided a minimum of 15 hours of direct support each week.  Individuals may be approved for additional hours with approval from DHS-DD and the ISC agency.


Additional Services and Supports
Available to all clients in our program!


24/7 On-Call Nursing

SCI clients and families have the added peace of mind of 24/7 on-call nursing and healthcare management.


Community Employment and Volunteer Opportunities

SCI partners with DRS to locate community employment.  Many of our individuals have worked at locations such as Schnucks, HomeGoods, Wal-Mart, and more! We also locate volunteer opportunities and encourage our individuals to be active members of their communities.


Life Skills and Recreation 

Individuals are offered weekly life skills groups in order to increase their level of independence.  Individuals also are presented with a monthly activity calendar and have the opportunity to attend one on one activities with staff.

Now offering art therapy!

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